WP6B.11 leader : Hugues Thiesen

Project Team : Shruti Seshadri - Frederic Daligault - Wiktor Stopa - Emilien Coulot - Xavier Bonnin

Functionnal specification on .edms

Project on .edms

Project on dfs

Project on Indico


Circuit disconnector boxes are introduced for HL-LHC circuits for the compliance with the electrical safety norms
imposed by CERN (Electrical Safety Code C1). These circuit disconnector boxes will allow the disconnection of the
warm to cold transition in the HL-LHC and will allow to connect the circuits to earth for proper intervention. A
programmable logic controller will allow to monitor the state of the circuit disconnector boxes. In addition, water
cooled and isolated heat sinks are added to this package to limit the heat penetration from the circuit
disconnector systems copper bus bars into the current leads. 





Project and quality

Table 1: Project and quality documents.
Project on EDMS EDMS folder
Project on INDICO INDICO pages
Project on DFS Link to DFS
Project on HiLumi web page WP6B.11 - CDB
WP6B internal organization EDMS 2480606
Project mandate EDMS 1959998
Milestone plan EDMS 1959999
EVM Structure EDMS 2379050
ECR: HL-LHC WP6B Circuit Disconnector Boxes EDMS 2317207
Naming convention for functional position codes EDMS 2349917


Table 2: Procurement documents.
Load switches: 600A (DO-32758) DR 8417973DAI 8600271EDMS 2431299
Load switches: 2kA (DO-32710) DR 8417930DAI 8595301EDMS 2418645
Load switches: 18kA (DO-32780) DR 8417968DAI 8595195EDMS 2431301
Earthing switches (DO-32757) DR 8421387DAI 8729508EDMS 2426950
Water cooling plates for Cluster F DAI 8923032
Water cooling plates for IT String (DO-32993) DR 9051810DAI 9101956EDMS 2606915
Mfg of the control racks (IT-String) (DO-33471) TODO

Functional and design documents

Table 3: Functional and design documents.
CDB Functional specification EDMS 2402920
CDB control system technical specification EDMS 2739242

Safety related documents

Table 4: Safety documents.
Insulation coordination study of the CDB system EDMS 2770216
Safety pre-audit presentation EDMS 2734606

Technical documents


Table 5: Technical design documents.
UR15 integration in the gallery EDMS 1577001
CDB rack 600A: electrical schematic EDMS 2646966
CDB rack 2kA: electrical schematic EDMS 2646966
CDB rack 18kA: electrical schematic EDMS 2651916
CDB rack 600A: mechanical drawing EDMS 2617473
CDB rack 2kA: mechanical drawing EDMS 2617345
CDB rack 18kA: mechanical drawing EDMS 2647624
CDB control system: design documents EDMS 2739242
CDB control system: control racks Technical folder
CDB control system: power module Technical folder
CDB control system: control module Technical folder
CDB control system: interface module Technical folder
CDB control system: PLC module Technical folder
CDB control system: fast-stop module Technical folder

Tests and validation

Table 6: Tests and validation documents.
Load switch: 600A validation tests EDMS folder
Load switch: 2kA validation tests EDMS folder
Load switch: 18kA validation tests EDMS folder
Busbars: thermal measurement in P-hall EDMS 2770235
WC plates: Mertay plates EDMS 2770228